The Reluctant Dragon



Everyone knows that dragons are fierce, fire-breathing, princess-eating monsters. But this dragon is different. He’s a nice dragon: he writes poetry, appreciates beauty, has an allergic reaction to flowers and doesn’t care tuppence for princesses. He befriends a lonely boy from the village, and the pair become inseparable. But when the villagers send for St George, the infamous slayer of dragons, the dragon’s friendship and very life is at stake...

The Reluctant Dragon is a heartwarming comedy by Kenneth Grahame, the author of The Wind In The Willows. It addresses issues of friendship, family and bullying, as well as the difference between people’s reputation and their real personalities.

Producing high-quality theatre-in-education that engages staff and students is of paramount importance – this mission drives us forward. The cherry on the cake is that when we do such a great job, we receive multiple reviews testifying to that statement.

Every project delivers a different experience to those involved so it rewarding to hear first-hand what our audience took away with them. For some, our projects can be reflective and thought-provoking, for others they can install confidence and ignite passion. Please take a moment to read some reviews from past and present Wizard Theatre clients.   

Another tremendous performance. The children were captivated by the great storytelling and immersive sets. Thank you.

Harwell Primary School