Footsteps The Movie

Footsteps the Movie is an interactive performance workshop for Years 1&2. Its main focus is on safe road crossing, but it also contains sustainable transport messages. It is designed to complement Footsteps and other pedestrian training schemes. Every performance produces a unique road safety DVD, starring the audience and given to the school.

What do the students learn?

By the end of the session, the students will have learned: walking can be better than driving, finding a safe place to crossthink, stop, look and listen, walking sensibly across the road

Producing high-quality theatre-in-education that engages staff and students is of paramount importance – this mission drives us forward. The cherry on the cake is that when we do such a great job, we receive multiple reviews testifying to that statement.

Every project delivers a different experience to those involved so it rewarding to hear first-hand what our audience took away with them. For some, our projects can be reflective and thought-provoking, for others they can install confidence and ignite passion. Please take a moment to read some reviews from past and present Wizard Theatre clients.   

Another fantastic production. Several staff who are new to the school said they thought it was the best visiting TIE Company they had ever seen!

Fairholme Primary School

What can I say, always a pleasure, full of content, information and thoroughly entertaining. Super links across a wide content of the curriculum. Brilliant value for money. A MUST for every school!

Mount Stewart Infants

The session was simply Excellent! Children were fully focused and engaged throughout. Children felt relaxed to be themselves as a result of the positive relationships formed straight away with the two group presenters. Fantastic and very funny!

St Mary Magdalen's R C Primary School

Once again, a superb performance to reflect drug awareness in our current climate.

Uxendon Manor Primary School